mike smith中文什么意思

发音:   用"mike smith"造句
  • mike:    n. 〔microphone 之略〕 ...
  • smith:    n. 1.铁匠,冶工,锻工;金属工匠 ...
  • be on the mike:    偷懒, 呆儿郎当
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  1. Mike smith . i ' ve made an appointment with mr . wang
  2. B : mike smith . i ' ve made an appointment with mr . wang
  3. On january 1 , 1962 the beatles auditioned for decca records , performing 12 covers and three originals for a r assistant mike smith
    我记得john在唱一首叫come on with me的歌。
  4. Mike smith , a famous violinist , presented beautiful music at the concert and conquered all the audience
  5. Though they played mostly covers , lennon and mccartney began writing original songs together , agreeing to forever share songwriting credits , even though they only co - wrote a handful of tunes during their entire career as the beatles . by the end the year , liverpool record store owner brian epstein had become the band s manager , and quickly began trying to find them a record contract . on january 1 , 1962 the beatles auditioned for decca records , performing 12 covers and three originals for a r assistant mike smith
    虽然他是听了一首猫王1956年录制的伤心旅舍才对流行音乐产生兴趣的但“ skiffle ”音乐的兴起促使他在1957年3月组建他的第一个乐队这个乐队叫“ black jacks ” john弹一把央求他姨妈花17镑买的吉它而另一位成员pete shotton的乐器是搓衣板。


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